Happy memories with my Mama from my childhood

Created by Ashok 8 years ago
I have many fond memories of spending time with my dear Mama & Mami in Kenya in my early teens from 1969-1973, before we came to UK.

All four of us kids looked forward to our visits to Mama & Mami in Nairobi during the school holidays. Although Mama was busy with work he would make sure we had a great time. He would book us to see the latest English movies; I also remember going to a drive-in cinema with him. He would also take us on outings during the weekend. I remember regular picnic trips to Fourteen Falls. He was also sometimes daring. I remember one time we were on a dirt-track in the country side and we saw a mango tree by the road-side fully laden with golden ripe mangos. As he stopped to pick us a few, we could hear in the distance the framer running towards us shouting & waving a stick. He quickly jumped in the car and drove us off.

When he visited us in Mombasa, he would take us to Bamburi beach north of Mombasa. In those days tourism was underdeveloped & Nyali Beach Hotel was the only hotel on that stretch of the coast. I remember spending long lazy days on the beach with my Mama, sheltering under the coconut trees from the hot sun, the cool breeze blowing in from the sea, the long stretch of shallow waters during the low tide, chasing the crabs on the beach & swimming in the lukewarm turquoise sea.

My Mama was truly a larger-than-life character. He loved his extended family and was generous, passionate, fun loving and sometimes daring. Although Mama is no longer here physically he will continue to live with me through the happy memories of the special moments we spent together all those years back.